Why It’s Important To Have A Home Inventory of Your Personal Property

After the dust from the holidays (finally!) settles, you are likely finding time to put away all the gifts you received and putting your home back in order!  Much of your home’s value is what’s inside your home – your personal property. Many of the “things” inside your home help make it a home versus just a house like your furniture and appliances, clothing, electronics, sports or musical equipment or both! All of your personal property that  is special and personal to you should be properly protected in the event of a fire, water damage or other event that might result in destruction to your home. With something as simple as a personal property inventory list, you can help yourself and your insurance agent make sure you have the proper coverage on everything that truly makes your house “your home”.

Updating your home inventory is a relatively easy—but extremely important—task to ensure your personal property has the coverage it deserves. To update your personal property inventory simply collect and keep appraisals, receipts, and credit card statements to establish the value of your items. The more thorough you can be the easier it will be to verify the value of your personal items and what items might be lost if you have to submit a homeowner’s claim.

After you finish updating your home inventory, consider storing it digitally as well as in a safe physical location. This will ensure that no matter what life brings your way, you have access to it and will be able to quickly and easily establish what was lost or damaged.

Do you have the homeowners insurance you need to have the peace of mind you deserve this year? Contact Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton for all of your California insurance needs.