Valuable Protection Coverage

One in every six homes is burglarized each year according to the most recent government statistics, which results in an average loss of $1,675 per house. Luckily, with the right homeowners insurance policy, you can feel confident each time you leave your house that all of your assets are protected.

Along with the typical coverage that is provided by your home insurance policy, it is important to make sure that you protect important valuables, such as your great grandmother’s engagement ring, your mother’s china or valuable paintings with special Valuable Articles Coverage. With itemized/scheduled coverage, you can have the peace of mind knowing that even your most precious items are protected. Scheduled item coverage could provide protection for your belongings that may not be covered under existing home insurance, such as family heirlooms or fine art  with no deductible that has to be paid.

You also have the option to go with grouped or unscheduled coverage for any items that may not be as near and dear to your heart, which will increase the amount of protection for all of your belongings.

For all of your homeowners insurance needs and to ensure that you have the right amount of protection, contact Randy Jones Insurance in Pleasanton, California.