Are there gaps in your insurance? Here’s how service line insurance can help.
Most homeowners don’t think twice about the piping and wiring that bring water, power, and communications into their homes. However, a busted sewer line forces them to take notice immediately. Unfortunately, if there is a problem with the piping that brings water to and removes waste from your home, then you may be responsible. Often a standard homeowners insurance policy won’t cover this type of damage. So how can you protect yourself from this kind of potential issue?
First What Is It?
Essentially, service line coverage is additional insurance protection that covers the water and sewer lines running to and from a person’s home. You can easily and affordably add it to your homeowners insurance as a service-line policy rider. If you are purchasing service line insurance through your insurance company, then this typically optional additional coverage, can provide protection for leaks, breaks, ruptures, collapses, or arcing events that can result from issues from main municipal lines. Additionally, repairs for damaged lines, excavation costs, additional living expenses, and damaged outdoor property may be covered. This optional coverage ryder for homeowner policies is very affordable for the additional protection and we highly recommend you look into it with your insurance agent. Give us a call – we’d be happy to explain it to you and answer any questions you might have.
Why Should I Get It?
As previously mentioned, most home insurance policies will not cover a broken service lines or cover the damages caused by these types of breaks. Having service line coverage protects you from having to shoulder the financial burden of what could be costly repairs to your home. Additionally, service line insurance is generally very affordable. Compared to the amount of money you might have to shoulder for power or sewer line breaks, adding a service-line policy rider is a good investment.
Don’t hesitate to get the coverage you need! If you feel it’s time to consider adding service line coverage to your homeowner’s policy, contact the professionals at Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton, California. Our team of experts is ready to help you get covered today!