During the holidays, criminals cruise neighborhoods looking to steal whatever they can get their hands on. The thing about thieves is that most of them are lazy, and they want to do as little work as possible. So the more difficult you make it for them to get to your belongings, the less likely they are to take them.

  • Lock all of your doors and windows.
  • Don’t put gifts where people can look inside your home and see them.
  • Contact the local police station to request extra patrols in your neighborhood.
  • Keep the outside of your home properly lit. Also, check to see that the motion sensors around your house work.
  • Arm your security alarm before you leave home and before you go to bed.
  • If you are spending the holidays away from home, have your mail and newspaper stopped until you return.
  • Get a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your house.

Use the above safety tips to lower your risk of being robbed blind during the holidays.

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