Spring Garden Tips

With spring just around the corner, it is the perfect time to start thinking about planting your first spring garden. While heading over to your local grocery store to pick up all of your fruits and veggies is easier than growing your own, it also opens the door to harmful health effects from the pesticides that are used on large farms. To get started on your first spring garden, and start enjoying the fruit, and vegetables of your own hard work, keep these spring garden tips in mind.

  • Choose the right site – your garden should be situated somewhere that gets at least six hours of sunlight each day. Also, check the surrounding vegetation. Thriving weeds, as bothersome as they are, are good signs of nutritious soil. However, make sure to keep them away from large trees and shrubs that can steal nutrients from your garden.
  • Choose the right plants – check with the local nurseries in the area, or online to find out what plants will work best if you plant them right now. Nurseries are also a great way to get advice on how deep and far away you should plant your veggies.
  • Water wisely – instead of sticking to a schedule, simply take a look at your garden to see when it needs water. If they do not seem like they need water, do not water them.

All of us at Randy Jones Insurance in Pleasanton, California would like to wish you happy gardening this spring!