lit cigarette
Feb 27

Quit Smoking and Save on Your Life Insurance

Posted by Randy Jones Insurance Services

Why you should quit smoking if you want to lower your life insurance rates. When you apply for life insurance, the insurance company will ask you several questions to establish your risk.  One of the first things they will ask you is whether or not you smoke or use tobacco products.  This is…

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shaking hands after business promotion
Feb 20

Why You Should Increase Your Life Insurance Coverage After a Raise

Posted by Randy Jones Insurance Services

Getting a raise at work means it’s time to bump up your life insurance coverage. If you’ve just gotten a raise at work, then congratulations!  With more money in your pocket, you probably have big plans for yourself and your family.  Hopefully, one of these plans is bumping up your life insurance coverage. …

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wood blocks spelling out "love" surrounded by red roses
Feb 13

Show Your Love This Valentine’s Day

Posted by Randy Jones Insurance Services

Show your partner how much you care. With Valentine’s Day looming, you may be rushing around and planning an elaborate date night for your significant other.  However, before you run yourself ragged, stop for a moment, and think about if you are doing right by your partner.  While sappy movies, romance novels, and…

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Feb 6

Life Insurance Misconceptions That Can Leave Your Family at Risk

Posted by Randy Jones Insurance Services

Debunking these common life insurance myths. As a new parent, getting life insurance probably isn’t the first thing on your mind.  To make matters worse, there are many popular misconceptions that support young parents’ decision not to get life insurance coverage.  However, it’s important to understand that putting life insurance on hold can…

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