Protect Your Heart This February And Beyond

Have you already acquired tunnel vision when it comes to blocking out the garish hues of red and pink that have taken over virtually every store across the nation? It’s understandable, since most started setting out their Valentine’s Day décor just days after the New Year began, but the next time you see a heart-shaped card or candy, let it serve as a reminder to you.

February does not just play host to Valentine’s Day; it’s also American Heart Month. It provides a great opportunity for spreading awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States, and is also largely preventable.

What can you do to protect your heart? Diet and exercise are two crucial components. Work more  fresh, unprocessed food into your diet and get thirty minutes of exercise each day (even walking counts!) and your heart will thank you.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help you save money on your insurance premiums too. The more healthy and fit you are, the more cost effective and comprehensive  your health insurance can be.  Contact Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton for all of your California health insurance and life insurance needs and we can guide you about what health criteria insurance carriers look for.