Make sure your business has the right liability coverage.

Finding the right liability insurance for your business is never a simple process.  Liability insurance policies come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important that you choose the best policy for your particular business.  Here are a few things to keep in mind as you consider your liability coverage.

Understand What Liability Insurance Is

Liability insurance covers you and your business from legal claims, such as injury and property damage, that can occur during business operations. If you have employees, the law mandates that you have liability insurance. If your business doesn’t have employees, you should still consult an insurance agent regarding professional liability coverage and what scenarios this insurance protection will provide you.  A single claim could hurt your business irreparably.

Know the Types of Liability Insurance

Many business owners are unaware that there are different types of liability insurance from which to choose. It’s important to know that there is a coverage available for different types of risks that different types of businesses might be susceptible to. Types of liability insurance include: General Liability, Product Liability, Professional Liability, Commercial Property, and Home-Based Business.

Identify your Risk

It’s important to understand what risks your business might encounter. Speak to an experienced insurance agent to discuss your risk and determine if you need additional insurance options to cover your business completely. As a business owner, you know your business the best, so take the time to consider any possible coverage needs. Contact Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton for a thorough review of your business insurance needs.