Home Insurance and Dog Bite Claims
While your furry friend may add tons of love to your home, they are also the number one cause of homeowners insurance claims. While the number of dog bite claims has dropped in recent years, the cost per claim has significantly increased.
Since 2003, the average cost per dog bite claim across the country has risen over 67 percent as a result of increased medical costs and the size and cost of settlements. California continues to have the highest number of claims, with more than 1,800 as of last year.
Even dogs that are typically very docile may lead to a dog bite claim if they are frightened or defending their food or puppies. Dogs that suffer from irresponsible owners, poor training, or negligent breeding practices are much more likely to show aggressive behavior. There are also some dog breeds that are considered to be much more dangerous, leading to insurance companies to deny coverage. Some of the most common types of dog breeds that are excluded in California home insurance policies include Chows, Akitas, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Presa Canarios.
For all of your home insurance coverage needs, and for more information on how your dog may be affecting your homeowners insurance, contact Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton, California.