Let’s acknowledge our veterans tomorrow in a special way.

Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day, which makes today the perfect day to figure out how you are going to honor the men and women who have fought bravely for our country and for the freedom of others. Here are a few ideas of how you can celebrate Veteran’s Day in your community.

  • Organize a “care package party” at your home with your neighbors and friends. There are many online resources that will help you figure out what to put in your care package.
  • Visit a veteran’s hospital and spend some time talking with veterans. Not only will it help to brighten their day, but it will also help you learn more about their time in the service and about our country.
  • Ask your child’s teacher if they are planning on having a Veteran’s Day lesson plan, such as creating a timeline or a short writing story that can help to teach your kids about the importance of the day.
  • Say a simple thank you whenever you see someone in uniform. Many veterans wear their uniforms on Veteran’s Day especially but it’s nice to thank those currently serving whenever you see them.  All of our veterans and active service members greatly appreciate knowing their efforts matter.

All of us at Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton, California are sending out a heartfelt thank you to our veterans and active duty military for you service.