Keep your home safe and secure for the holidays!

The holidays are here, and it is time to start decorating. As you string up your holiday lights and set up your Christmas tree, it’s important to use caution. Bear in mind that your holiday decorations can be dangerous and put you at risk for anything from house fires to personal injuries. Check out these holiday safety tips to keep you well protected all season long.

Holiday Light Safety:

Lighting is key when it comes to the holidays. Hanging strings of holiday lights can help to set the right mood. However, it’s important to use caution when using holiday lights. Before plugging in your lights, ensure that there aren’t any broken or frayed wires. Additionally, don’t overload any one outlet with too many wires. That way you can reduce your risk for any electrical mishaps.

Tree Safety:

Beautiful green Christmas trees covered in lights and twinkling ornaments are a staple of the holiday season. However, it’s important to be careful when it comes to your tree. A dry brittle tree poses a serious fire risk, especially if it’s covered in electrical lights. Take precautions and water your tree and check periodically to see that your tree hasn’t dried out.

Kitchen Safety:

When it comes to your kitchen, you’re sure to do plenty of baking for the holidays. In fact, check out one of these Food Network holiday cookie recipes! However, it’s important to practice safe kitchen habits. Keep anything flammable out of the kitchen and always watch over what you’re cooking. That way, if there are any issues, you’re able to stop it before it gets out of hand.

When it comes to protecting your home this season, ensure that you’re well protected with the right homeowners insurance. Contact us at  Randy Jones Insurance Services in Pleasanton, California for assistance finding the right insurance policy for your needs.